Hygetropin HGH 100iu 1kits
Original price was: $250.00.$150.00Current price is: $150.00.
Product Specifications: 10iu * 10vials * 1kits
What is Hygetropin HGH ?
Hygetropin is a brand name of peptide hormone. It is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide hormone that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by the somatotropin cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. The amino acid series in Hygetropin is identical to the body??s naturally produced human growth hormone (HGH). It stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans and other animals. it is vital for the growth of muscle and bone. Hygetropin Manufactured by Hygene Biopharm Co., Ltd.
Positive effects of Hygetropin
In an era when external beauty is of great importance, many world cinema stars use growth hormone cycles to rejuvenate the body. In fact, you may not read about it in your local magazine or the magazines sold on every store shelf, but more than 50% of well known actors and actresses or using HGH to stay forever young! That is why HGH has been referred to as the ??fountain of youth?? for years. However, it is well known that the use of growth hormone ensures the achievement of overall high results:
- increased bone density;
- transformation of body fat into muscle cells;
- activation of the protective functions of the body;
- lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the bloodstream;
- increased intellectual activity;
- increased sexual desire;
- regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin;
- stimulation of the use of adipose tissue to provide the body with the necessary energy;
- reduction of the post-traumatic recovery period;
- ensuring mobility and healthy joints;
- restoration of cartilage tissue;
- reduces the healing process of tissues;
- returns the previous volume and functionality to organs atrophied due to age;
- contributes to the normalization of the lumen of blood vessels;
- interferes with thrombosis;
- strengthens the heart muscle;
- improves the condition of the urinary system;
- in women, the symptoms of cellulite disappear.
In the sports community, growth hormone has spread due to the possibility of obtaining the following important effects:
- strengthening the osteoarticular system, which is important when working with weight and performing strength exercises, helping the muscles stay active and flexible or mobile;
- burning fat deposition;
- optimization of metabolic processes.
The Side Effects Of Hygetropin
There are several side effects that may go along with hygetropin hGH use. These side effects are possible with the prescribed version, as well as an illicit form of hGH since the content isn??t completely known and regulated. Side effects may affect older adults more than younger people. The long-term effects of hGH aren??t known. Possible side effects of excess hygetropin hGH injections include:
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- nerve, muscle, or joint pain
- swelling of the arms and legs from fluid retention (edema)
- high cholesterol levels
- numb and tingling skin
- an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes
- growth of cancerous tumors
- growth of facial features, hands, and feet (acromegaly)
- mood changes, dependency, and withdrawal
- an enlarged heart
- low blood sugar
- liver damage
- fatigue
- enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)
Hygetropin For Bodybuilding
Hygetropin HGH offer a number of benefits for bodybuilders, including the promotion of muscle growth and reduction of body fat. They also have a variety of other health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and improving cognitive function. Here are the most notable benefits of hygetropin for bodybuilding:
- Promote muscle growth?C Peptides are effective for promoting muscle growth. They work by stimulating the release of Growth Hormone, which is essential for muscle growth.
- Reduce body fat?C Peptides can help to reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass. This makes them a desirable choice for bodybuilders who are looking to sculpt their physique.
- Reduce the risk of heart disease?C Peptides can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, which is a common problem among bodybuilders.
Hygetropin Dosage
- For anti-aging, general health & healing, fat mobilization And other purposes such as these A dose of 2-3 IU??s per day (~10 ?C 15 IU??s per week) will be sufficient. A dose of 1.5 – 2.0 IU??s is considered to be a full replacement dose for those in their middle age. Given we will get somewhere in the neighborhood of 70-80% absorption and utilization from our subQ injections, our 2-3 IU??s will for all intents and purposes equate to a full replacement measure of HGH.
- For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition For this purpose a dose of 5-10 IU??s per day (~25-50 IU??s per week) will be necessary. Most people that still have an alive and kicking pituitary will respond very well at a dose of 5 IU’s per day, though advanced bodybuilders and other large strength athletes will find that dose approaching 10 IU??s per day will be in order. For maximum benefit in this regard, the addition of Testosterone and/or other anabolic should strongly be considered. For advanced use, other supplements like Insulin, and low-dose T3 or T4 would also be considerations.
- Regardless of your goal, as a general rule the best way to begin your HGH program is to start with a low dose and ease your body into the higher doses. This will allow you to avoid (or at least minimize) many of the more common (and unpleasant) sides of HGH such as bloating and joint pain & swelling. Most people can tolerate up to approximately 2 IU??s per day with few sides, so that would be a good place to start.
- For many using this as a general health supplement, that is as high as you will need to go. For others this will be only the start. Above 2.5 ?C 3 IU??s,
I would definitely suggest that your split your injections into two per day instead of one unless it is just not feasible to do so. In my experiences, I have ran doses as high as 10 IU??s per injection, but at those doses I have suffered greatly with joint pain and bloating to the point of feeling like a Goodyear blimp. Also in my experimentation it seems that at least for me, keeping my individual doses down to 3-3.5 IU??s a piece, I more effectively elevate my IGF-1 levels while minimizing the need for mega-doses of HGH.
Here is what a good ramp up strategy would look like:
Weeks 1-4 = HGH 2 IU??s one injection
Week 5 = HGH 2.5 IU??s one injection
Week 6 = HGH 3.0 IU??s split into two injections of 1.5 IU??s each?
Week 7 = HGH 3.5 IU??s split into two injections of 1.75 IU??s each
And so forth until you reach your desired dose. If at any point in this progression you begin to have unbearable bloating or joint pain, drop the dose by 25% and hold it at this lower dosage for a couple of weeks. If the sides subside, begin your progression back up toward your desired level. If the sides remain, lower your dose again and hold it at the lower level for two weeks before beginning the upward progression. This method will keep your HGH experience a good one and side free for the most part.
Your Doctor Will deterimine the best protocol for you.
What do I get when I order Hygetropin?
Hygetropin comes in boxes of 100iu, also referred to as kits. Each box contains10 vials. Each vial contains 10iu of hGH in powder form. Hygetropin comes in boxes of 200iu, also referred to as kits. Each box contains 25 vials. Each vial contains 8iu of hGH in powder form.
How to Reconstitution Hygetropin Hgh?
Before using it, follow these instructions:
- Before you start, make sure you??ve got sterile vials, bacteriostatic water, alcohol swabs, syringes and needles, and laboratory gloves. the process and reduces the risk of contamination.
- Add 1mL of sterile water to the Hygetropin HGH vial (8iu or 10 iu vials all 1 ml). Carefully draw the measured amount of bacteriostatic water into the syringe. Inject it slowly into the vial containing hgh powder.
- Release the water slowly and strictly on the side of the glass vial. Avoid direct streams to minimize the risk of damaging the peptide structure. Aim for the sides of the vial to allow the solvent to gently run down and mix with the peptide.
- DON’T SHAKE the vial violently as this will disrupt the solution. Gently swirl the vial to mix the solution. Do not shake??vigorous movements can damage the delicate structure of HGH.
- Continue to swirl until all the powder dissolves to achieve a clear solution. Check visually to confirm the powder has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear. then it ready to injection. This process shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
How To Storage Hygetropin Hgh?
Hygetropin HGH In its freeze-dried form
- Stored in a refrigerator (approximately 2 ?C 8 degrees Celsius or 35.6 ?C 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit),HGH has a shelf life of approximately 18 months when .
- At normal room temperature (20 ?C 24 degrees Celsius or 68 ?C 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit), it possesses a shelf-life of approximately 35 day.
Notice : Hygetropin HGH In its freeze-dried form Care must be ensured so as to not expose the powder to extreme heat or extreme cold temperatures. violent shaking alsowill destroy the HGH protein and render it inactive. Reconstituted HGH (mixed with sterile water or bacteriostatic water):
- Bacteriostatic water: When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water (water that contains a small amount of benzyl alcohol for sterilization and preservation), shelf-life of approximately 2 weeks to 20 days (REFRIDGERATED)
- Sterile water: When reconstituted with sterile water (pure distilled water that simply contains water-only and no sterilizers), shelf-life of approximately 5 days (REFRIDGERATED).
Notice : When reconstituted with water, any exposure to temperatures higher than refrigeration for extended periods will destroy the hormone in under several hours. Growth Hormone is always prepared as a lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder and should never be packaged pre-mixed with water.
Where can I get sterile or bacteriostatic water?
You can try you local pharmacy as it may not require a prescription in your country. Most people get strile water and bacteriostatic over the internet. Just run a google search for Bacteriostatic Water. You should get plenty of sites offering it. Prices are very low. Make sure the water you get reads “for injection” on the vial.
What is the difference between sterile and bacteriostatic water?
You can use either, the difference is for how long the hgh solution will remain potent. Reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (also known as Sterile Water water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol) – An Hygetropin vial should be used within 10 days. Reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection – An Hygetropin vial should be used within 3 days.
Hygetropin HGH Grade A Laboratory test report
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